#2020-01 thru 2020-05 Great Divide Purchase and Compensation of town officials
# 2020-06 Telemark Resort Project
#20-05-01 thru 20-05-10 May 20, 2020 Adopted Resolutions
#20-06-01 thru 20-06-19 June 17, 2020 Adopted Resolutions
#20-07-01 thru 20-07-4 July 15, 2020 Resolution Summary and Adopted Resolutions
#20-08-01 thru 20-08-04 Aug 8, 2020 Resolution-Summary-Adopted-Resolutions
#20-09-01 thru 20-09-02TB-Regular-Meeting-9-16-20-Resolution-Summary-Resolutions Elector-RSN-2020-06-Approving-2020-Levy
#20-09-03 thru 20-09-05TB-Special-Meeting-9-24-2020-Summary-and-Adopted-Resolutions #20-10-01 thru 20-10-03TB-Regular-Meeting-10-21-2020-Summary-and-Adopted-Resolutions
#20-11-10 thru 20-11-03 TB Regular Meeting 11-18-20 Summary and Adopted Resolutions (1)
#20-12-01 thru 20-12-13 TB-Special-Meeting-12-9-20-Summary-Adopted-Resolutions
#20-12-04 thru 20-12-08 TB-Regular-Meeting-12-16-20-Summary-Adopted-Resolutions
#20-11-01 thru 20-11-03 TB-Regular-Meeting-11-18-20-Summary-and-Adopted-Resolutions Resolution #21-03-01
Resolution 2021-63 proposal to exceed levy limits
Resolution 2022-01 Evergreen Court resolution
Resolution 2022-03 Cost of Living Increase for Town Board
Resolution 2022-06 Participation Plan for Comprehensive Plan
Resolution 2022-06 Electors to adopt tax levy
Resolution 2022-07 Levy & Budget
Resolution 2022-08 Broken Legislature
Resolution 2023-01 Town of Cable School
Resolution 2023-02 CDI Grant for American Birkebeiner
Resolution 2023-03 Annual Audit
Resolution 2023-04 Refund Overpaid Taxes
Resolution 2023-06 Rustic Road
Resolution 2024-01 Rollover of Plan Commission Funds
Resolution 2024-04 Authorize Construction of Library Expansion Facility
Resolution 2024-05 Authorize Construction of Library Expansion Facility
Resolution 2024-06 Support Forest Lodge Library Application for Flexible Facilities Grant
Resolution 20204-07 Support of Rivers Trailside LLC
Resolution 2024-08 Support Cable Forward’s Separate Bank Account for Streetscape Project