The Town of Cable Planning Commission will be experiencing two current terms expiring in April and are
offering these two positions to interested Town of Cable residents. The interested candidates will be
required to meet and discuss their qualifications with the Town Board. These positions are three-year
terms and are currently filled by Kristine Lendved and Sue Thurn, whose terms expire April 30, 2025.
The Plan Commission promotes town planning. The members make reports and recommendations
relating to the plan and development of the town to the Town Board, other public bodies, citizens,
public utilities and organizations. They also recommend to the Town Board programs for public
improvements and the financing of such improvements. The Plan Commission members meet monthly
to discuss such issues. If you have an interest in serving as a Plan Commission Member and would like
to be considered as a candidate by the Town Board, please submit a letter of interest detailing
experience and qualifications to the Town of Cable, PO Box 476, Cable, WI 54821 by noon on April 4 th .
For further information, please contact the Town of Cable office at 715-798-4440.